Page name: 7sevin7's art [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-01-16 04:57:54
Last author: 7sevin7
Owner: 7sevin7
# of watchers: 4
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i have only just begun uploading my art to ET but i hope you enjoyed what is here

I now have a deviantArt account were you can also go to, to view and comment on my art

   i do all my work in black and white. however if there is any one who would like to take one of my peaces and color it please contact me and i will email you the original pic (one that doesn't have my name plastered on it). i hope you have enjoyed viewing my latest works and please don't steal my art, i have worked very hard on it, thank you.
   i do a bit of art on the computer working with photo-shop however with the incident involving a guard accusing me of stealing one of the pics i made, i will not be posting any of those peaces on Elf Town.

also i am taking art requests but keep in mind that i have a very busy schedule

I'd appreciate any comments you may have and once again thank you for visiting7sevin7's art





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2007-01-14 [Galatea]: Artwork's lookin good! keep up the good work! I like the emotion in the last one.

2007-02-14 [7sevin7]: thank you

2007-02-28 [7sevin7]: any one have any art requests? i got some free time on my hands.

2007-03-21 [Eyonic]: can you draw people?

2007-03-21 [7sevin7]: the second to last one is kinda a human

2007-04-01 [Night Prowler]: awesome!!! the last one is cool too...seems like i've read of this in a wiki before though.....

2007-04-01 [7sevin7]: who knows? *shrugs*

2007-04-01 [Eyonic]: i love the wolves

2007-04-01 [Night Prowler]: I KNOW!!!hahahahaaa!*maniacly laugh so hard that i die*<img:stuff/modd37-gif.gif> the wolves are awesooooooooooome! whoooooooooo

2007-04-02 [Eyonic]: are you hyper?

2007-04-03 [7sevin7]: no thats just prowler!

2007-04-03 [Eyonic]: oh, okay

2007-04-22 [Night Prowler]: ohh! werewolf! mhahawesome!!!!

2007-04-23 [7sevin7]: XP

2007-05-08 [Night Prowler]: gah!!THOSE ARE FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!And i don't hardly even like dragons anymore......SHWEET!

2007-05-08 [Eyonic]: lol, i like them newest ones

2007-05-10 [7sevin7]: XP Thx...... why dont you like dragons prowler?......*frowns*

2007-05-10 [Night Prowler]: they're cool and whatnaught...well, i guess you could say i like dragons,the creature itself,just not the ideas given to people in the movies and such about them,or something along those lines i guess!

but those look really cool!!!

2007-05-10 [7sevin7]: yeah i hate the cleashay that there ether evil or pets or both that's why i like the japanese they believed that dragons were considered guardians

2007-05-11 [Eyonic]: japanese beliefs rock!

2007-05-11 [Night Prowler]: yes,japanese dragon beliefs are cool,but the whole they're evil and just kill whatever comes to their "layr" or are pets and people ride them,it's a shame!

2007-05-11 [Lin-tastic]: Fantasy and mythilogical creatures...wolves included. They're all interesting. I like your style of art. Not my first choice, but they're still good. Would you be willing to draw a request?

2007-05-13 [7sevin7]: sure i guess

2007-05-13 [Lin-tastic]: Just checking. Some artists don't. I'm glad to know you do...almost everyone on elftown least, of those I've asked.

2007-05-14 [7sevin7]: yeah im always up for a challenge so art requests are a welcome challenge long as i dont get to many to handle

2007-05-14 [Lin-tastic]: I'll PM you a description. ^_^

2007-05-15 [Eyonic]: 7sevin7, could i possibly get your opinion on my latest drawing?

2007-05-15 [Lin-tastic]: HI!

2007-05-15 [Eyonic]: hello there

2007-05-15 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^

2007-05-16 [7sevin7]: shure

2007-05-16 [Eyonic]: can you tell me if the tiger anthro on my page is ok? if it needs any changes?

2007-05-16 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: 7sevin7 I was wondering if I may reques drawing.

2007-05-16 [7sevin7]: omg ima have to make a wiki for art requests!

2007-05-16 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ Yep! ^_^ Did you get a message from me? With the description, I mean...

2007-05-17 [7sevin7]: yes

2007-05-18 [Lin-tastic]: Okies. ^_^ I expect it before this Christmas! XP

2007-05-19 [Night Prowler]: bwahahahaha sev has a deadline! w00t!!

2007-05-20 [Lin-tastic]: Yeah, and a long one, at that! XXD

2007-05-20 [Night Prowler]: bwaha! anyone here play super mario 64 for the DS?

2007-05-20 [Lin-tastic]: I wish. I don't own a DS.

2007-05-20 [7sevin7]: PSP bitches!

2007-05-20 [Lin-tastic]: Nah, I'm all old school! Game Boy Advanced! XP Beat that, Be-yotch!

2007-05-20 [7sevin7]: how about every game consul to ever come out including pre-Atari

2007-05-20 [Night Prowler]: i don't like either...emulators kick ass bra!

2007-05-20 [Lin-tastic]: I swear. This cold is really getting to me or something...You all need help, myself included...

2007-05-20 [Night Prowler]: heh?

2007-05-20 [Lin-tastic]: I don't understand your prefious post, Prowler. ^_^ That's what I mean.

2007-05-20 [Night Prowler]: gameboy emulator.
you don't know what an emulator is???
It's like a gameboy,nes,DS etc.etc. but on your computer,and you can download games for it free.
lol It's for poor folk who can't afford stuff!(not really,i just don't feel like waisting the money on the real thing)

2007-05-20 [Lin-tastic]: Ah. I'd love to, but I'm not supposed to download stuff w/o parent's permission...<img:44166_1164145101.gif> It sucks...

2007-05-21 [Eyonic]: yeah, i know how ya feel on that one <img:44166_1164218141.gif>

2007-05-21 [Night Prowler]: ah...that sucks!I'm a pirate!!!ghar!!!!

2007-05-21 [Lin-tastic]: -squeals- PIRATE!!! -glomps Prowler- (Do you have a nickname other than your user name?)

2007-05-22 [Night Prowler]: yayayayaayaya. maties???what are those??I just steal stuff and poke people!!!!ha ha!(noooope!)

2007-05-22 [Lin-tastic]: -stands back up and looks at Prowler questioningly- We be castin' off soon, saavy? Ye be on the ship, lest we leave ya at the port! Starboard, ye scurvy dogs! -runs to startboard side and leans over the ship's side almost falling off, but get's foot caught in the netting hanging from it- Yaaaah!

2007-05-22 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: Hay look its Jack Swallows

2007-05-22 [Lin-tastic]: Beg pardon?

2007-05-22 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: Have you ever seen Epic move?

2007-05-22 [Night Prowler]: ......heh?What's a start board?Jack swallows what?

2007-05-22 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: Jack swallows from epic movie (Basicly it makes fun of Jack Sparrow for pirates of the Caribain )and I think sarboard is the right side of a shipp

2007-05-22 [Night Prowler]: ohhhhh,thought it was a dirty joke!

2007-05-22 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: well that too thats why they did it that way. but what I am refearing to is the way that they pertrayed him you sould see him it so over the top

2007-05-22 [Night Prowler]: Oh, i see now

2007-05-22 [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*]: Yah allso they have the White bitch (in stead of white witch from Narnia)Its a pertty funny movie if you liked scary movie and not another date movie

2007-05-22 [Lin-tastic]: I haven't seen it, but I've wanted to. ^_^

2007-05-23 [Eyonic]: i just saw the beginning of it. soooooooo funny

2007-05-24 [7sevin7]: that white bitch stole my compass to Daddy Jones's locker and wont give it back.......... now wheres my rum?!

2007-05-24 [Eyonic]: lol

2007-05-24 [Lin-tastic]: Wow...

2007-05-25 [7sevin7]: not from the movie but Ive seen it and i can see that happening

2007-05-25 [Lin-tastic]: Yeah...

2007-05-28 [Koho Ai]: Epic movie is funny i have to concur and pretty good art you got here triple 7.

2007-05-28 [Lin-tastic]: I finally saw it! This weekend! I didn't laugh at everything, but I never stopped smiling. ^_^

2007-05-28 [Koho Ai]: good for you

2007-05-28 [Lin-tastic]: Thank you?

2007-05-28 [7sevin7]: thx and just call me sevin

2007-05-29 [Lin-tastic]: Hey, have you added any more pictures here or at deviant?

2007-05-30 [7sevin7]: not lately i need to

2007-05-31 [Lin-tastic]: I'm sure. ^_^ I'll be checking my deviant soon...I actually have no way of posting any art online at this current time...but I hope to get a power cord for the scanner I do have in the near future...before Christmas...

2007-05-31 [7sevin7]: thats kewl do you have a digital camera?

2007-05-31 [Night Prowler]: wahaha!I have one!for a while....

2007-05-31 [Lin-tastic]: Nope. It got wet...

2007-06-03 [7sevin7]: i was going to say use your digital camera to take pics then just crop and adjust them

2007-06-04 [Lin-tastic]: Yeah, I did that for a few you've probably already seen...I think...

2007-06-15 [7sevin7]: massive upload ill go and put texts in for them later XP

2007-06-16 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ They're cool. ^_^ I like 'em! Hey...which order did I give you, again?

2007-07-08 [Night Prowler]: they're all so awesome!!! lol favorite=

2007-07-10 [7sevin7]: yeah that was a rly sucky scetch to my pencil was blunt and broken and i was shit loads of tired + i did it in like 10 mins

2007-07-10 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ I spent what seemed an eternity on my first posted

2007-08-29 [wolf of angels]: These are really good. when did you start drawing?

2007-08-29 [7sevin7]: O_o.. long time ago

2007-08-30 [Lin-tastic]: XD Sounds like you've been at it a while, no?

2007-08-30 [7sevin7]: sorta off and on my whole life

2007-08-30 [7sevin7]: totally self taught tough

2007-08-30 [7sevin7]: no teachers no little books that tell you how to do it no tutorials nothing just paper pencil and 16 years of life

2007-08-30 [Lin-tastic]: Mine was more or less based off some mangas I've read, a few 'How to' books that helped me none, whatsoever, and several years of copying images I've Sometimes I add my own little twists to things, but that's if I feel creative enough...I suppose.

2007-08-30 [7sevin7]: i was never good at copying and always sort of saw it as cheating i hated it when i drew a pic that looked like another one i was because i always felt that i was essentially stealing there creativity and plagiarize it as my own. so i ended up creating every thing form scratch in my head

i started off drawing dragons i would spend hours and draw nothing but dragons it was practically all i could draw

2007-08-30 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- Now, I've kinda gotten into a habit of inspired by others to create my own work, really. Ideas strung together by each image I saw, pulled into one by my own imagination. Occasionally, yes, I do have moments when I see something that's not really been inspired by other images or stories, but those are rare and I can't draw as well as I see the image in my head.

2007-08-30 [Eyonic]: I love to draw! sometimes I look at other pictures for inspiration too.

2007-08-30 [7sevin7]: i totally get the whole not being to draw the pic as well as they are in your head but just keep trying till you can get it or as close to it as you think you can get!

2007-08-31 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: wow, i haven't been in here in forever. when did all this get here? some marvelous things, do you have future plans of any of them?

2007-08-31 [7sevin7]: well i have a couple of request in the process and im trying to start work on a comic(just thought it would be fun to try and make one)

2007-09-01 [Lin-tastic]: Yay for comics! If only I could scan my images...strange thing happened last night. I drew a really, really good hand pointing at someone. Then, next to it, I drew a really good eye and decided that it'd be a close up of just the eye. It's so cool! I can't wait until I can get it online! XD

2007-09-01 [Eyonic]: that's awsome! I love it when I have a good drawing day, it makes me just soooo happy!

2007-09-01 [Lin-tastic]: XD Yeah, if only I could post stuff online. ^_^

2007-09-01 [7sevin7]: do you have a digital camera or a camera phone?

2007-09-04 [Lin-tastic]: No and yes, but I have no internet on my phone.

2007-09-04 [7sevin7]: hmm...

2007-09-05 [Eyonic]: that really sucks

2007-09-05 [7sevin7]: phone but no internet and no digital camera or scanner......... i got nothing unless you can use some one else's

2007-09-16 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- That's where I'm at, hun. ^_^ XD

2008-01-02 [7sevin7]: o_O MUST DRAW MORE ART SO WIKI DON'T DIE!!!!!

2008-01-02 [Night Prowler]: ooh, you should draw a chuck berry wombat!!XD

2008-01-02 [7sevin7]: a what?

2008-01-02 [Night Prowler]: it would look a bit odd though...



2008-01-05 [Lin-tastic]: lol What about a character? I wouldn't mind an interpretation either...if you're into requests. xD

Oh, and I finally have a camera and scanner! My art: Picture Diary!

2008-04-01 [7sevin7]: oh snap quickly MUST UPLOAD MORE ART!!!!

2008-04-15 [Night Prowler]: don't know what that gray and pink one is..but it looks awesome!=d

2008-07-10 [7sevin7]: gray and pink one?

2008-07-10 [Night Prowler]:

2008-07-10 [Night Prowler]: <img:>
this one

2008-07-11 [7sevin7]: >_> its not pink and its supposed to be abstract so what ever you think its supposed to be

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